All my attention will now be dedicated to Thank you for reading.


Okay, bye.
So tonight we're gonna go do coverage for Sean Kingston over at Aubergines. I'm not really a huge fan of the guy but whatever. I'll add it to my resume. Ha. Now if T-Pain came to town, I'd be there with no hesitation. If I could be 1 other dude right now, I'd want to be T-Pain. Sure, the guy is ugly as hell but he's makin' the hits and everyone wants to work with him. Ha. The other night, we probably spent a couple hours on youtube just watching a bunch of T-Pain videos. The guy comes up with crazy outfits and even crazier dance moves.

I've been watching a lot of youtube lately. My cousin will IM with a link to a video and then I'll go off on a tangent for hours. I also watch a bunch of guitar/bass lessons on youtube. And I like to see the Wowowee girls. Romyreen Enriquez is slammin'!!!! And I found some softcore of the Viva Hot Babes. Hahahahahaha.
According to a few people, my phone has been crapping up. Apparently they can't hear me but I can hear them. But they say there's a lot of static. And I so i tried it out. I called my phone from Jerry's phone and I heard what everyone is telling me about. I guess it's time to upgrade.

Arizona trip has been confirmed. Vegas trip has been confirmed. Almost every weekend from here on out until July is booked. Looking back at all the things we've been doing this entire year has been pretty nuts. We've covered so many events and I have so many nightlife pictures that I want to create my own gallery and a favorite shots portfolio. Everything has been going by so fast. And I'm enjoying every second of it.

Last night some startling revelations surfaced about the Arizona trip. Let's just say we're mixing up a special concoction of "R. Juice". I'm a little bit out of the loop since I work and the other guys have no jobs. But they filled me in on some info that got me from "7 to 10". I'm excited.
The bowling association refused to take me and Richard's original team name, Dominatrix Time. So we put a suggestion for a new name and now we are called the Ball Droppers. We were on fire yesterday. We won all 4 games. We were in 3rd place as of last week, but I think we just moved up to 2nd. My cousin's team is currently in 1st place. It'll be hard to beat them. Him and his teammate actually work at the bowling alley so they know the lanes pretty well.

After league was over and I was waiting for my cousin, My teammate from last season walks into the bowling alley. It was such a pleasant surprise. His name is Jeff but I call him Coach. There are 2 reasons I call him that. 1) His name is Jeff Fisher aka head coach of the Tennessee Titans. 2) He actually coached me last season in how to bowl. He'd give me pointers in my game. He'd tell me "Throw it exactly how you threw last time but stand one board over" or "You're not following through after the throw" or "Wherever your thumb points is where the ball will go". He gave me a lot of useful advice. So yeah, we had just finished bowling and he's about to bowl and he wants us to bowl again with him. So I decided to against my better judgment. My arm was starting to feel like jelly. I tossed a couple practice balls with my right but I couldn't even grip the ball anymore. My arm was hurting that bad. But I wanted to bowl with Coach. So I bowled another 3 games with my left hand. Ha. I did decent for bowling with a 16 pounder on my off hand. Those guys wouldn't dare bowling with a 16 with their good hand. Hahahaha. I probably averaged around 70 with my left. I average around a 130 with my right. Yeah, I know I suck. But it's fun and that's all that matters.

I was having a heart to heart with my cousin last night on the ride home after bowling. He was telling me that he was getting super stressed out from going to school full time, working full time, being in bowling league, being the bowling league secretary, and having all his duties at home to take care of. He said he was getting absent minded because of all the things going on. Little details he was missing and he was starting to misunderstand things. I told him I knew how he felt since I have my full time job, my part time job, playing in a band, giving guitar lessons, taking singing lessons, and doing my chores at home. I told him the only way I remember what to do is by writing it down. Write down everything you need to do and set up time constraints. You learn to become more efficient. Sometimes the busier you are, the more you can focus and concentrate. I'm sure all parents know what I mean. You make time for the things that are important to you. Nothing can get in the way of things you NEED to do and you're always looking for an excuse for the things you WANT to do but DIDN'T do.
I'm starting to have oatmeal for breakfast everyday again. I did it for a few months but then I got tired of it. Lately I haven't even been eating breakfast. I'd wake up at 8 and go to work. Today I got to work at 730. I would like to come in at 530. I feel like I have more time to myself when I come in earlier. I spend less time in traffic therefore, I get to do more stuff. I probably spend an hour and half each day in traffic. That could be an hour and a half more of sleep. We all know I don't really get much sleep. Well, it's starting to catch up to me. I'm starting to feel tired all the time now. Tired boy = not so happy boy.

Oh yeah, I've been working on my website. I kinda changed the whole thing. I wanted something new. It's not that spectacular but whatever. It's easy to maintain.

Future trips:
May 17-18: Glamourcon in LA
May 24-26: Back up to the Bay with the fam?
June 7-8: Arizona to visit Fran?
June 28-29: Vegas for Shanel's b-day?
So this weekend I was up in San Jose to visit my Lola's grave for Mother's Day. On Saturday at my cousin's house, my Auntie asked if I wanted to sleep in My Lola's room since there was gonna be 5 of us in the other room. They're all scared to sleep in my Lola's room cuz they're afraid they will see her. Ha. So I told her yeah, I'll sleep in Lola's room. I usually sleep with no shirt and no blanket and with the fan on. Well, early in the morning, I felt someone put a blanket on me. I didn't think anything of it. So the next day my Mom asked if everything was ok in there. Nothing strange happening? And then I remembered the blanket incident. When I was a kid, I used to move around alot and I would kick my blanket off to the side. In the middle of the night my Lola would notice me without a blanket and so she would put it back on me. Thanks Lola. I love you.
I finally slept at a decent hour last night. I got pretty sleepy at around 930 but Stranger Than Fiction, that Will Ferrell movie, was on around 10 so I stayed up and watched that. It wasn't as good as I was expecting. I thought it would be pretty funny since the concept was so ridiculous but it was a love story. And right now I don't believe in love. At least I don't believe it's in my immediate future. But maybe when I stop being so selfish, I might start to believe.

I'm headed up to the Bay tonight. We're gonna go visit my Lola's grave. I need to take a nap before I drive up there. I also need to clean my truck.

Indra hit me up last night. Hahahaha. I was on AIM, like how I usually am everyday, and he sends me an IM asking why I haven't been on. That guy has a couple of loose screws in his head. The things he talks about is ridiculous. But he did mention that he's starting to learn drums and he was asking me for advice. I know what he's doing. I do it all the time. If I know a girl likes something, I learn about it so I can have something in common with her. It makes her feel comfortable and she won't realize that we're getting close. It's all part of the game. Like in sports where you study your opponents tendencies and use that knowledge to your advantage. It's the same thing. Life is a sport, play hard. 6 o'clock to 12 o'clock hard.

Esther calls us the Three Pervateers. Hahahaha. But she loves us.
I think this is the 4th consecutive night that I've gone to sleep after 3am. It's starting to take it's toll on me. On my drive to work this morning, it felt like I got shampoo in my eyes. My eyes were burning for some reason. It was hard to keep them open, which is natural but the burning sensation was weird. It went away after I took a dump at work. Hahahahaha. My eyes feel normal now but it's still hard to keep them open. I think I'm just Asian and that's how my eyes are supposed to look.

Can you say Sausage Festival? Red Circle last night was a 17:3 dudes to chicks ratio. It was like breakfast time and the longonisa was fresh. I still had a good time though. I danced with a few hunnies. No fatalities last night. =( I met a few people who were looking to hire photographers. I should hit them up tonight so they don't forget about me.

Today is pho day. It gonna be me, Vanessa, Karmen, Shanel, Scott, and Ramon. And I think Marcos, Arturo, and Damien are gonna meet us there. I feel like going right now. I just don't wanna be here. Hahahahaha.
I don't really think I'm that dark but I think she captured the essence of me. Hahahahaha. I love Shanel. She's awesome. My Mom loves her too. My Mom calls her "Pretty Eyes".

It's Model Casting Call Part 2 tonight over at Red Circle. The first one didn't turn out as well as I would have liked. This one has a bunch of sponsors so it has the potential to be better. Ramon said he was gonna cruise out with us. He's been MIA for a good while now.

Ever since I got this photography gig, I've been exposed to alot of things that I probably wouldn't have ever seen. It's almost like I'm starting to become numb to certain things. Things that I once considered sacred is like another walk in the park now.
Last night we went to Bong's place to celebrate his b-day. That mutha sucka kept making us take shots and drink beer. It was the "drink this for my b-day" offer and you can't deny the b-day boy his wish. But yeah, we stayed there longer than I was hoping. It was fun though. Esther was dope on the piano and we were jamming for a while. We started off with her asking me if I knew this one song but the name didn't sound familiar. So she sat on the piano and played it and then I picked up the guitar and started playing along. I didn't know the song still but it was a good song. But yeah, they were impressed that I was able to learn the song in like 5 mins. So I asked Esther if she knew another song. She didn't, so I started playing it on guitar and then she learned it in like 2 mins. She's the better musician. I was seriously impressed with her. I even asked her if she had enough free time cuz I want her to join my band. She came to my gig a couple weeks ago and she liked my songs. She even asked me to play some of MY songs last night and she played along to it. She picked it up real quick. It's hard to find someone with "the ear".

Joel got pretty faded last night. Jack Daniels is not his friend, but it was the drink of choice for the b-day boy. So Joel was going off on a rant and he mentioned that he doesn't know if Ramon still exists. He said he hasn't heard from "the guy" in a while. And then I informed him of Ramon's plans to come out and party with us this week. He got pretty excited cuz he kept on calling Ramon a "sucker" for even getting married and then he went off on another rant about pu$$y and marriage and loyalty and friends. The guy was just spouting off. It was pretty hilarious. If I wasn't friends with Joel, I'd think he's an arsehole.

When we dropped him off, Joel started to go wild on Jerry's car. He dove on to the hood as we were backing out of the driveway and proceeded to elbow the hood. And once he got off, he Tiger Knee'd the passenger door. Hahahahahahaha. Crazy drunk. And then I was pretty faded and I couldn't find my way out of Jerry's car. I found the door handle but it was locked and I couldn't find the lock so I was trapped for a cool minute or so. LOL. I had to open the window and Jerry came around from the outside and unlocked it for me. Oh yeah, did I mention I was the one driving? Hahahahaha.

It's bowling league again tonight. I'm glad Richard and my cousin are in it with me. I just wish more of my friends were in it too. This reminds me of one of the things Joel was ranting about. Friends and their priorities. Maybe I need to do a better job of keeping in touch with my friends? I apologize. Being busy doesn't mean that friendship takes a backseat.
I saw Three 6 Mafia perform over at Martini Ranch this past Saturday. Friggin' Jerry goes up to DJ Paul and says "How's your hand? Is it doin' alright?" What a dummy!!! Hahahahaha. But he doesn't give a shiite. For those of you who don't know, DJ Paul has a "baby hand". One of his hands, from the forearm down, is half the size of the other one. He was born like that. But he wears this dope ass gauntlet glove on his baby hand to make it look tough.

We hit up Martini Ranch for Three 6 Mafia, Onyx/Thin for Elena's, and On Broadway just for the hell of it on Saturday. After the club hoppin', we hit up the usual spot. CONCHINGS. Hahahahaha. We always see a bunch of people we know and people we seen at the clubs there. Somehow I ended up dropping my license at Conchings and had to go back the next day to get it. At least I knew where I dropped it.

We saw Iron Man yesterday and I loved it. Iron Man is a total pimp. He probably read The Game cuz I noticed his techniques. Hahaha. And we stayed for the scene after the credits. who shows up at the end? Well, none other than Samuel L. mutha f*ckin' Jackson!!!!!!!!!!!! The dopest part about yesterday was we brought a bucket of KFC to the theaters with us. We had 8 pieces of chicken, 4 corn on the cobs, and 4 biscuits for me, Joel, Jerry, and Paul. We could hear people in the theaters saying "Where's that chicken smell coming from?" And then Jerry would raise his hand with a chicken in it. And another funny thing is we sat up front!!!!!!!! LOL. Joel was all embarrassed to be seen with the chicken so he stood away from us when we were getting the movie tickets. And he didn't even touch the chicken until the lights went out. Me and Jerry took the chicken to town right when we sat down. Hahahahahaha.

Ray J pix

Three 6 Mafia pix
So I covered the Ray J event last night and, needless to say, the turnout was excellent. Every dude that was there was someone I knew. And they were working for the event. There were all kinds of hunnies last night. You name your flavor and it was there.

Me and Punla ended up dancin' with some white girls and I only got to 40% cuz they didn't really dance that well. Ha. But this chick in the red dress was shakin' her rump shaker like there was no tomorrow. Did I mention that red is my favorite color? Ha.


NBA Nicknames. Come gets yours. I like mine. It seems fitting cuz I'm always hot and sweaty and I'm always asking someone to turn up the AC.
I don't get to watch TV that much, since I don't have a TV in my room and TFC is always on in the living room, but last night I watch this program called Accidental Genius. It was on the National Geographic channel and I thoroughly enjoyed it. They had guys who were savants and people who had a traumatic event and then they recovered and all of a sudden had some special ability.

They did this test on normal people and had them read familiar passages and show a picture with dots on them and show it for a split second and they had to guess how many dots were on there. And then they blasted magnetic waves on a certain part of these peoples brains and had them do the test again, and they were more attentive and saw details better.


I think some people are born with certain abilities but everyone is capable of doing it too. I know I have a good memory but the only reason I think it's so good is because I'm organized. I know where I put my stuff. There is a whole reasoning behind the method. Repetition also helps. When I put things back I put them exactly how I found them. I'll know when someone moves my things cuz it's not put back exactly how I put it.


When I got to my desk this morning there was a gift for me. It was this cute little bag and inside was a bento box and some chopsticks. Michelle, the new girl, got it for me. She went to SDSU also and I've been kickin' it with her everyday for lunch and breaks. We also get in trouble at work cuz we're too loud. The higher ups will come over and ask what we're doing and to keep it down. Ha. She's fun and really cute. I don't wanna say too much about her cuz she might read this. I've shown her a lot of my stuff (photography, writing, music, pen15, etc.) Thanks Michelle!